Friday, June 24, 2011

Norman Rockwell

"America's most beloved illustrator" had a record-breaking museum tour in 2000, delighting audiences and irritating snobs. He purposely painted one less Saturday Evening Post cover than his idol, JC Leyendcker, 324 and painted for the humor Life, St. Nicholas, Boys Life, Youth's Companion, Literary Digest, American Weekly and ads and poster work for Budweiser, Fisk, Crest, Interwoven, Edison, Boy Scouts, Jell-o, 20th Century Fox, RKO, and many others. No other illustrator remains in the public eye through calendars, reprints, monographs, and collectibles as does Rockwell.

Red Cross Magazine (1920) Rockwell - 009

Christmas ads: Sheaffer's (1955), Plymouth (1950) Rockwell - 016